Saturday, March 24, 2018

And so it begins...Hopefully!

(From January 18, 2018)

Some wonderful things happened today. The process of digging the footings for our home was started. Yippee! I can hardly believe it. Our basement was dug several months ago in order to get fill dirt to build up the road to our home place. Since then, the water and other underground utilities have been put in place. This has been such a long process. I don't think we ever imagined how time consuming and expensive it would be (and we really haven't even began constructing the home; although now with the footings maybe we have!) We essentially had to do the kind of development that neighborhoods go through--removing timber, putting in a road, putting in underground utilities, seeding grass, etc. I am trying to keep the end result in mind as all of this effort and expense will eventually allow us to have a beautiful home place and a sweet farm.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Our Journey Home

Many times we think we have this life thing figured out. Then everything we've imagined comes crashing down. This is what has happened to us, or is at least happening to us. We all have been blessed with a loving Heavenly Father who wants to work miracles in our lives--if we will just step out of the way and patiently let Him do it. In the end, what He creates for us from the rubble isn't what we imagined--it's infinitely better.

I grew up dreaming of living on land (after my short love affair with the idea of living in a neighborhood-- a neighborhood modeled after "Sweet Valley Twins"; SO realistic, I know). I dreamed of land--my own 'Hundred Acre Wood' affectionately purloined from A.A. Milne's "Winnie the Pooh".  I know that seems a bit fanciful, but I AM fanciful, and romantic, and dreamy, and all the other terms appropriate for my own brand of creativity--a.k.a. existing in my preferred state of woolgathering.

Of course living on a hundred acre property isn't typical, or practical in most cases. After moving back home to Alabama we had a situation that we hoped would work out to create this miracle--but no matter how much we prayed, it didn't happen. We bought a home--which we planned to live in temporarily--and the years began to pass. We had lived in Alabama for two and a half years, and we were no closer to the dream than before. In addition to that, our six children had started school at a Private Day School 45 minutes away. This meant a LOT of driving each day. We knew this wouldn't be practical; and Jeff already had a lot of driving with his practice. Two of us constantly on the road was not good, so we began looking closer to the school for a home that would meet our needs.

Soon we found what we thought would be our dream neighborhood. The homes were on 2-4 acres (not my 100, but great for being in a neighborhood--especially so convenient to everything). We were told that chickens were just fine (this was a crucial point for me). Jeff agreed to a major remodel of the home to align it to my hopes and we moved in. Time passed and after meeting with multiple builders and architects, we realized that our plans to remodel would be much more expensive than just starting from scratch.  Armed with that knowledge, we began waiting for a lot to open up in our neighborhood.

Our neighborhood--Ridgeland--is very interesting. It was started in the 1960's and many of the homes are original to that time period. A lot of those have been updated--like the one that we had bought--but others were in a prime situation to be bought for the lot, and either updated or removed for newer, nicer homes. The idea was introduced to us to inquire if one of our neighbors might be persuaded to sell their older home to us. We thought we had an interested party, but months of negotiations did not come to fruition.  I had set my mind to this particular lot--larger than what we had, private, out of the way--and I mourned the loss of it. I really felt the time passing--and my vision of raising our children in our dream home was vanishing.  

Out of the blue a different home in the neighborhood became available and our hopes were raised. We toured the home and decided it was just what we needed. The lot was beautiful and large, the home outdated and worn. It would take a lot of time and money to get the home into a comfortable situation and so it worked perfectly into our plans. We were so excited! We planned to buy the second Ridgeland home, sell the first one, move into a rental, tear the house we had just bought down, and begin building our dream home. It all seemed so perfect--as if God had been planning this for us the whole time. We discovered this had been part of his plan, but just a step. While walking the new property we were inspired to live in it while we built behind it. It was a wonderful thought and we were so excited. Why not take advantage of the home that was already here? It was larger than any rental we would find so close by, we would be on the property while the house was being built, and we would get use of the house until the new one was finished. We were ecstatic. We quickly decided to hold off on tearing it down.  This would turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Our first Ridgeland home sold very quickly--to the first family that looked at it after we had moved out of it.

It wasn't long before word of what we planned to do reached those around us. We petitioned for a variance from the city to temporarily have two homes on the lot--the old one and the one that we would be building. Through several misunderstandings a few of the neighbors had some objections. This--added to the fact that my chickens would not be allowed in the neighborhood--convinced us to start looking around for other possibilities. Several of them were interesting, and we checked them out. One property led to another, and led to another, and led to another, until we saw a single sign on a road--60 +/- acres for sale. The neighborhoods around it were very nice, and our curiosity was piqued. Seeing it on the map, we realized that it was a prime piece of property with beautiful lake access and views. We prayed and fasted about it and really felt this was the right path to take. We made an offer, and after a little bit of negotiation it was accepted. So here we are. We've really come full circle. We will be able to build our dream home on a beautiful piece of land. My chickens will be free to cluck away to their hearts' content. There will be room for gardens, a duck pond and a mini cow, pygmy goats and beehives, a swimming pool--and what my Western born and raised husband has always wanted--a view. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

I love aprons. I have close to 100 in my collection now.  Some I use, some I only admire.  The following was posted on Facebook and it really touched my heart.

"I don't think our kids know what an apron is. The principle use of Grandma's apron was to protect the dress underneath because she only had a few. It was also because it was easier to wash aprons than dresses and aprons used less material. But along with that, it served as a potholder for removing hot pans from the oven.
It was wonderful for drying children's tears, and on occasion was even used for cleaning out dirty ears. 
From the chicken coop, the apron was used for carrying eggs, fussy chicks, and sometimes half-hatched eggs to be finished in the warming oven. 
When company came, those aprons were ideal hiding places for shy kids..
And when the weather was cold, Grandma wrapped it around her arms.
Those big old aprons wiped many a perspiring brow, bent over the hot wood stove. 
Chips and kindling wood were brought to the kitchen in that apron.
From the garden, it carried all sorts of vegetables. After the peas had been shelled, it carried out the hulls. 
In the fall, the apron was used to bring in apples that had fallen from the trees. 
When unexpected company drove up the road, it was surprising how much furniture that old apron could dust in a matter of seconds. 
When dinner was ready, Grandma walked out onto the porch, waved her apron, and the men folk knew it was time to come in from the fields to dinner.
It will be a long time before someone invents something that will replace that 'old-time apron' that served so many purposes. 
Grandma used to set her hot baked apple pies on the window sill to cool. Her granddaughters set theirs on the window sill to thaw.
They would go crazy now trying to figure out how many germs were on that apron.
I don't think I ever caught anything from an apron - but love... "

Inspired by Tina Trivett’s poem, Grandma’s Apron

This wonderful piece of nostalgia reminded me of a segment I once had about 5 years ago on another blog.  I'll share it here.

Those of you who know me know that I LOVE aprons. My collection now contains about 50 items. I actually get a couple requests per week to see them; so, I decided on Thursdays I will do an "Apron of the Week" post. I might miss one here or there, but I will try to stay consistent. 

For this inaugural post I have chosen one of my most favorite aprons. I call it my "New-Year's-Eve-Party-Don't-Do-Any-Work-In-This-Just-Look-Pretty" Apron. It is truly a work of art. It is a half apron made of a lustrous champagne colored satin with a delicately embroidered overlay. Can you say GORGEOUS? It is spectacularly lovely...

This fine piece of art is not to be used as a towel for sticky fingers or to wipe children's runny noses. No, the sole purpose of this beautiful object is to be admired...preferably from afar...or behind glass...and NEVER worn while serving anything that might stain. 

Useful? Probably not. Beautiful? Most Certainly. Nothing like a fantastic apron to outshine the dress it covers...

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Playing ABBA

Growing up there were few things my sister and I enjoyed more than playing ABBA.  She would pretend to be Agnetha and I would be Frida, singing along with them on my father's old stereo.  To this day they are my favorite band.  I decided to write a "Top 10 List" of my favorite ABBA songs.  This, of course, is an impossible task because there are SO MANY GREAT SONGS.  I made a list anyway, and if it has more than 10, then so be it.

Top 10 Favorite  ABBA Songs

Dancing Queen                                 Agnetha/Frida
Angel Eyes Agnetha/Frida
Super Trouper Frida
Waterloo                                          Agnetha/Frida
The Day Before You Came Agnetha
The King Has Lost His Crown Frida
The Winner Takes It All Agnetha
Our Last Summer Frida
Rock Me                                        Bjorn
Voulez-Vous Agnetha/Frida
Does Your Mother Know? Bjorn
Andante, Andante Frida
Mama Mia                                           Agnetha/Frida
Chiquitita                                             Agnetha
Fernando                                            Frida

See...more than 10.  This list isn't exhaustive, either.  If you are familiar with ABBA, treat yourself to a little bit of their music. If they are new to you, I am sure you will find joy in listening to them.

Goodnight, Gentle Reader...

Thursday, February 11, 2016

39 is Divine

A couple of very important things happened today. Using the LIGO system, Einstein's theory concerning gravity was supported with new evidence

and I turned 39!  :)  Of course these things are equally important.  Ha!  

As I reflect on my life I am filled with gratitude for my past, excitement for my present, and hope for my future.  I haven't gotten to the point--yet--where I am worried about wrinkles or fighting getting older.  I've always been a future-oriented girl, and I know that there is so much to learn in this life.  Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, if we follow Him, we will be blessed with a glorious body for eternities. We only have this life--in our entire existence--to understand aging, to experience the hardships that come with it, to learn the lessons and earn the wisdom.  Let's not wish it away, but let us embrace it and milk it for all it's worth. 

38 was great; but, 39 is divine!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

A Little Truth


I love Disney movies.  From the sweet, innocent movies beginning with Snow White to The Little Mermaid; to the exciting, fresh stories from The Little Mermaid on.  I've loved the cute live action of the 1950's, 60's, and 70's; and, of course, all of the animated movies.  To list my favorites among all of Disney would be very difficult.  However, if I divide the movies into groups it becomes much easier.  In no particular order:

Top 10 Animated Favorites

--Cinderella (2/15/50)
--Sleeping Beauty (1/29/59)
--Robin Hood (11/8/73)
--The Aristocats (1/24/70)
--Peter Pan  (2/5/53)
--101 Dalmations  (1/25/61)
--The Many Adventures of Winnie-the-Pooh (3/11/77)
--Alice in Wonderland (7/28/51)
--Dumbo  (10/23/41)
--The Jungle Book  (10/18/67)

Honorable Mention:

--The Rescuers  (6/22/77)
--Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs  (12/21/37)
--The Adventures of Ichabod and Mister Toad  (10/5/49) ***Halloween Tradition (We watch this every year after Trick-or-Treating)  :)

Top 10 Live-Action Movies

--Mary Poppins  (8/29/64)
--Bedknobs and Broomsticks  (12/13/71)
--Pollyanna  (5/19/60)
--Cinderella (3/13/15)
--Enchanted (11/21/07)
--Babes in Toyland  (12/14/61)
--The Parent Trap  (6/21/61)
--Pete's Dragon  (11/3/77)
--Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken  (5/24/91)
--The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe  (12/9/05)

Honorable Mention:

--The Absent-Minded Professor  (3/16/61)
--Swiss Family Robinson  (12/21/60)
--The Apple Dumpling Gang  (7/1/75)
--Saving Mr. Banks  (12/13/13)

Top 10 Favorite Modern Animated Movies

--The Little Mermaid  (11/17/89)
--Beauty and the Beast  (11/22/91)
--Aladdin (11/25/92)
--The Lion King  (6/24/94)
--Toy Story  (11/22/95)
--Mulan  (6/19/98)
--Finding Nemo  (5/30/03)
--The Incredibles  (11/05/04)
--Up  (5/29/09)
--Tangled  (11/24/10)

Honorable Mention:

--Frozen  (11/27/13)
--Inside Out  (6/19/15)
--Big Hero 6  (11/7/14)
--Wreck It Ralph  (11/2/12)
--Brave  (6/22/12)

We are blessed to have access to many wonderful films that uplift and edify.  I am very grateful for the Disney company for creating such treasures.  Much of the Disney magic is found in the actors who voice the characters.  From the sweet and lovely voice of Cinderella; the gentle, nurturing tones of Wendy and Alice; the aristocratic and haughty tones of Lady Tremaine and Cruella de Vil--the tone of the characters has been set by those who voice them. Here is an  link with more information one might find interesting:

Gentle Reader, it might be time to relax and watch a Disney classic.